Lone Star College fall semester enrollment increases

By: Royelyn Bastian
| Published 09/18/2023


HOUSTON, TX -- Lone Star College welcomed 88,809 students for the fall semester, an increase of 4.2% from last year. Enrollment data is based on Official Day numbers taken 12 days following the first day of class.

“Now the real work begins,” said Mario K. Castillo, J.D., LSC chancellor. “Our focus is making sure these students receive the support and resources necessary to finish their studies. Many students come to us with doubts, challenges and personal struggles. It will be up to all of us to ensure those obstacles do not get in their way and that we provide the assistance that helps them discover their true potential.”

In addition to providing world-class education, LSC students also have access to many on-campus resources that help address basic needs to help them from getting distracted from their path to success. These include food banks, cloth closets, child care and more. Visit LoneStar.edu/Care to learn more about student support services available at Lone Star College.

Lone Star College has given me a great college experience with all the services and support provided toward achieving my career,” said Nancy Valadez, LSC student. “My Lone Star College experience has directed my life greatly and it gave me a start to head toward my career of being a pharmacist.”

LSC also partners with Communities in Schools, a nationwide network of passionate professionals working as an addition to Lone Star College campuses, surrounding students with a community of support and empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

“I am committed to ensuring our students have the resources necessary to finish their education and become productive citizens for our community,” said Castillo.