Dr. Victoria Constance of Children’s Safe Harbor receives the Community Builders Award from Montgomery #25 of the Grand Lodge of Texas

By: Liz Grimm
| Published 10/10/2024

Dr. Victoria Constance, Executive Director of Children’s Safe Harbor (center) has recently received the Community Builders Award by Montgomery #25 of the Grand Lodge of Texas. She is pictured with Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) members “Ryker”, BA

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- Dr. Victoria Constance, Executive Director of Children’s Safe Harbor, has recently received the Community Builders Award from the Grand Lodge of Texas.

This prestigious honor is presented by the Grand Lodge of Texas and awarded by individual Masonic lodges to non-Masons who have made significant contributions to their local communities. It recognizes outstanding leaders – whether in business, government, education, or other fields – who have demonstrated strong civic leadership and dedicated service to the betterment of society.

The Montgomery Lodge No. 25, the last lodge chartered under the Republic of Texas, presented the Community Builders Award to Dr. Victoria Constance for her outstanding devotion to abused children in Montgomery County. Founded 26 years ago, over 28,000 children have been heard, helped, and healed under Dr. Constance’s leadership at Children’s Safe Harbor. The award was presented by the Master of the Lodge, Brian Bennick, with the assistance of Senior Warden Chance Crane and Deputy Grand Master Raborn Reader. Dr. Constance's tireless efforts have profoundly impacted the lives of many children and families across the community, making her a deserving recipient of this distinguished honor.

Also in attendance were Jethro, President of the 7 Coves Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA), and BACA Agency Liaison Ryker, who came to support Dr. Constance. They shared how crucial her guidance and involvement have been in making their chapter successful from its inception, highlighting her role in helping them protect and advocate for abused children in the area.

By presenting this award, Texas Masonic lodges aim to strengthen community bonds and highlight the importance of active involvement and leadership for the greater good.

Children’s Safe Harbor is a children’s advocacy center with a mission to achieve justice, healing, and hope for every child victim of sexual assault, severe abuse, trafficking, neglect, and trauma, and to engage the community in that mission. Children’s Safe Harbor is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation. For more information, visit www.ChildrensSafeHarbor.org.