Conroe Service League Dedicates Bench at Veterans Flag Park

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 03/26/2024


CONROE, TX -- It was a bright sunny day earlier this month amongst the flags as they danced in the wind, as members of the Conroe Service League conducted a ceremony to dedicate a bench at the Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Park in Conroe. The event was attended by Commission Chairman Judge Jimmie C. Edwards; Retired Marine Corps Lt. General Steven Hummer, who opened the ceremony with a prayer; CSL President Lindsay Smith, and members of her organization, as well as members of the public.

“It is an honor for the Conroe Service League to become part of the family,” said MCVMC Executive Director Elizabeth Woods, as she thanked the CSL for their generous gift to the park. “We not only honor our Veterans, but our First Responders, which makes our park unique amongst others across the nation.”

By denoting their organization on a bench, the CSL is showing their appreciation to the flag park, the memories of the Veterans who have served, as well as for those who have passed on; and in addition providing an outlet for Veterans and their family members to come and sit down, and reminisce in the memories of their battle buddies, friends, or relatives.

“Several of our members suggested that we raise funds, and dedicated it to the park in the form of a dedicated bench.” said CSL President Lindsay Smith. “The Conroe Service League was a big part of making the original 1976 Veterans Memorial Park downtown, and today’s ceremony was a way of giving back to the Veterans and the citizens of Montgomery County.”

The Veterans Memorial Commission appreciated the contribution to supporting Veterans and the park. They are working diligently to provide a park, education center, and museum all in one location. The new education center and commission offices being built on site, will eventually be preserving history, and sharing the stories behind our brave Soldiers and First-Responders, and honoring those great individuals is paramount to their mission.

“The Conroe Service League is a great organization and the things they do for the community is impressive,” said retired Lt. Gen. Hummer. “And we appreciate their service in providing Veterans breakfast at The Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group near Thanksgiving, Christmas, and on other occasions.”

The CSL’s mission statement reads: “The mission of the Conroe Service League is and always will be to provide organized service opportunities for the women serving Montgomery County in the areas of education, cultural arts, health, and welfare and to effectively use the work of the League for the betterment of the community..”

“This is amazing and we are so proud to be a part of all of this,” said CSL member Mary Womack in reference to the bench dedication. “I believe this a beautiful place to just sit and remember.”