Montgomery Citizen Leaving Us

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 03/18/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- He’s Not Dying … He’s just moving to Utah!!!

Yes, longtime Whataburger Montgomery Un-Philosophy Coffee Group and Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group member, as well as former MCN Veteran of the Week, Don Ewing, 90, is moving to Utah to be closer to his daughter. He has lived in Walden since his retirement, and has been involved with Veterans since he arrived. Don is very unique in that he turpentined a pig as a teen, turned in a naked U.S. Majors clothes to the Captain of the ship he was on, and was able to wake up from a nap on the road (which can or cannot be proven), and have the other driver leave the scene of the accident. The Coffee Group, Whataburger crew, and Ms. Sandy, are going to miss you Don!!! And Good Luck on your move to whatever that other state is called?