Nat Hart Davis Museum Has Busy Weekend

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 02/15/2024


MONTGOMERY, TX -- It was an occupied weekend at the Nathaniel Hart Davis Museum in Historic Montgomery. Members of the Montgomery Historical Society hosted several large groups on February 4th, in addition to usual Saturday traffic of students and tourists popping their heads in to see what the museum offers in the way of history.

Cub and Boy Scout Troops 1774 from The Woodlands visited the museum complex, where Montgomery resident Jack Shepherd, the reenactor of Charles B Stewart, donned his period outfit, and informed the scouts on the life of Stewart, the designer of the Texas Flag, as well as the early history of the City of Montgomery, and Texas. Rob Deceari, the Pack and Den Master to the group, should be proud his scouts were well behaved and were very inquisitive of the history that the museum contained. Historical society member Bea Rouse assisted Shepherd in answering questions.

Shortly afterwards, Montgomery Junior High School teacher, and Montgomery Historical Society member, Ms. Brenda Breaven, gathered kids in front of the museum, to begin the 25th Year of the Scavenger Hunt. 7th grade students from Montgomery and Oak Hills Junior Highs, followed Beaven around Historic Montgomery, learning about the town and some of the interesting stories of the early days of Montgomery. Students are given riddles about the locations and match those up with the actual sites, where students must take a picture to prove they were actually there.

It’s a fun project for the students, and the parents actually get to see part of the historic downtown they may have never seen, and learn of new restaurants and shops they may not have been aware of previously.