Opinion 2024: A Reminder of 1968

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 03/26/2024


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- This column may upset some, and maybe make some see the light, but it needed to be written.

It’s getting scary at the Texas-Mexico border with the first recorded illegal alien surge on Texas Army National Guard troops in El Paso recently, and as warmer weather approaches, the likelihood of it happening more during the Summer, in an ever increasing possibility. Illegal immigrants broke down barriers to gain entry, and it’s just a matter of time until the illegal immigrants will be armed and shooting at TARNG. It’s getting real, and the Texas soldiers being threatened with loss of life is a distinct possibility, and it will be a game changer.

I continue to ask Democrats why they continue to support insane sanctuary city and state policies. Their ideals have them bankrupting themselves, all for illegal aliens who they wish to turn into future Dem voters. It’s so important to Democrats that they have thrown Blacks under the bus, seeing as Hispanics don’t abort themselves that much.

This year could be the worst ever as far as illegals coming across the US border. California, Arizona, and New Mexico don’t have the resolve that Texas has in protecting its borders. Illegal Aliens will go where the benefits are handed out like candy, and sanctuary cities and states are just bringing it upon themselves. And with illegal aliens thinking that when they get there, they will stay here. They might have another thing coming after this election.

This is all about making the illegals good little Democrats. A trained eye can see right through it. Recently, an Obama appointed Judge in Illinois, Sharon Coleman, dropped charges against an illegal immigrant for illegally possessing a firearm, which he purchased illegally. Coleman, a worthless Democrat, simply threw out Title 18 of the U.S. Code, which clearly handles such matters, and made her own law. Democrats are laughable. They want to take guns out of the hands of legal American gun owners, yet when it comes to illegal aliens; it’s OK for them to have guns?

Another worthless Democrat, Governor. Jay Inslee of Washington State, just signed a law that allows illegal immigrants to get professional licenses in his state. Which leaves all kinds of legal implications open for that stupid move. I’ve always maintained Democrats think not of the consequences to their actions, and they don’t. Look at their previous sanctuary city policy virtue signaling, and when someone took them up on their pledge to accept illegal aliens, like when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called their bluff. The Dems throw fits, and now have their legal citizens hating them. Mayors like Brandon Johnson of Chicago, and Eric Adams of New York, are holding firm in their investments of the homeless industrial complex; of which illegals have cornered the market.

In Denver, a city of 700K, Mayor Mike Johnston is cutting back city services to pay for the migrant crisis, which will save 60 million off of their projected $180 million budget to service the illegal immigrants. The main public hospital Denver Health is $130 in the red thanks to treatments illegals received in the past year, and it’s on the verge of collapse.

There is so much craziness out there. The dike that is holding common sense back has many holes, and we’re running out of fingers. If it breaks, then Montgomery County is at risk, if it isn’t already.

I’ve stated before that the Era we are living through now is our 1960s. This year is gonna be the 1968 Democratic National Convention all over again, and guess where it’s gonna be this year. The same place as back then, Chicago. I’ve no doubt the same craziness that erupted there in 1968, will be prevalent in the city this time around as well. Republicans won that year, and it will be so again this time.

The media landscape has changed so much thanks to Donald Trump and Elon Musk, that the outright lies and mistruths coming from socialist media don’t have the power they did have in 2020. Big Tech is a shell of its former self, so is Big Media and University. Their efforts to turn America into a one-party communist state have sunk their own institutions. And they couldn’t foresee it. The underlings in those institutions now fired or laid off are wondering what happened after they got rid of Donald Trump? A socialist utopia was to develop. But what they forgot is that socialism takes capitalists money. And when it's not forthcoming, they lose.

So it's time to buck up and prepare yourself for the rest of the year. There may be times when it's gonna get hairy, but be assured that there are many out there that are fed up with worthless Democrat policies that have harmed their communities and families. We will right our left listing ship. We have too. If the U.S. doesn’t lead The World, then it is lost. Hang in there. We will get through this storm.

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountynews.net